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Hands – Give me Rest

| Renco Schoemaker |
Zo af en toe kom je muziek tegen die je bij de keel grijpt. Dat is Give me Rest van Hands.

Zo af en toe kom je muziek tegen die je bij de keel grijpt. Prachtig om naar te luisteren, zowel qua muziek als qua teksten. Ik geef toe, in mijn muziekgenre heb je daarbij nog wel eens de songteksten nodig omdat niet alles even goed te verstaan is. Neem de concept albums van La Dispute bijvoorbeeld, ik besprak ze hier eerder in een drieluik (één, twee, drie). Prachtig, en best heel aardig te verstaan. Onlangs luisterde ik weer naar het album Give me Rest van de band Hands. Vandaag in vogelvlucht, met hieronder als start de epische afsluiter Give me Rest (alleen zo te noemen na het luisteren van alle nummers ervoor). Overigens zijn ze ook bij JFH laaiend over dit album, lees hier hun recensie (Engels).


Dit album is een zogenaamd concept album, wat zoveel betekent dat het vooral tot zijn recht komt wanneer je het in z’n geheel luistert. Bij voorkeur dus ook in de originele volgorde. Daarom vind je hieronder ook van de nummers voorafgaand aan de ’title track’ delen van songteksten (complete songteksten vind je hier). Aan te bevelen!

1. I Will

Can you feel the anger in my heart? I can’t believe this is me. (…) Take my hand. Give me the faith to move mountains. (…) Let it rain. To remind me that there is something more.

2. Water

Forgive me for falling out. It’s just not the way I see You. (…) I’m losing my faith, at the hands of the dynasty. Take me to the water. (…) Be still my brother. Be still so we may hear His voice. Let there be light. Take me to the water.

3. Cube

Shut down everything inside that makes it work. All the wires to it’s soul, and all the lights that make it glow. Kill the system. I don’t want it anymore. (…) It’s taken everything. Shut it down. Send your best to guard my soul. They will never sleep. They will never leave me alone. (…)

4. The Helix

I am not alone. Would you clear the dust from my eyes? Would you recognize my voice if I would talk to you? (…) Give me rest. I believe your breath fills my lungs. But it’s a thought that’s hard to swallow, I feel ashamed I can’t hold on. Give me rest. (…) Don’t ever let me go. “Be still and know that I am God.”

5. Here I Am

On my knees in the wreckage of a broken church. I couldn’t pull it together. How I want to believe that there’s a light, at the end of this continuous shadow. (…) Are you here? Wake up my son. Wake up my son. Why are you so afraid? Oh God, I’m begging you now! Open up my eyes!

6. Jovian

Welcome. Light. Come into the light and meet the world. You are beautiful, open your eyes. Open up your eyes to see me here. I will show you the way. (…) Breathe in the breath of life. I’ve embraced you. (…) You are all I wanted. You are all I need.

7. Northern Lights

I found you. And you found me. You gave me a new song. You gave me something to sing. What a beautiful song. You gave me a reason, you gave me something to sing.

8. 2005

Burn this body down. To the ash and the dust, from which it came. I curse within my heart, but sing a holy song. (..) Release me. I am bound by the chains of temptation. I am bound by the demons, staring back. Let your mercy rain upon us. (…) By your grace I am released.

9. Restart

I can feel my heart giving in to the weight of your design. (…) I get frustrated. But I just need to let go. Lift me up (into your arms) and weigh me down. (…) Fighting every battle, never trusting that you were on my side. I will fall into your arms and cry, you are God! Lift us up and hear our cry, you are God!

10. Give Me Rest

Here I sit among the clouds. With nothing but the empty sound. I have seen the light of day. I have seen the water wash the blood away. Is my name in there? Send a smile to my daughter. Tell her everything is fine. And give my wisdom to my brother. Tell him to use it right. And to everyone I’ve wronged, the thought has never left my mind. You are the end and I am fading. Will I rest with you for all of time? Is my name in there? Give me rest. Tell my wife I adore her. That she is beautiful and kind. Here I sit among the clouds. I was wrong and You were right. Give me rest.

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Meer over Renco Schoemaker

Renco is krap 40 jaar, man en vader van twee. Hij is ouderling in zijn gemeente in Zwolle. Hij mag graag fietsen, hardlopen, tv series kijken en podcasts maken. Luistert tot slot graag naar harde christelijke herrie.