August Burns Red – Coordinates
Afgelopen weekend zag ik Project 86 en Demon Hunter live tijdens het Loud & Proud festival in Daaden, Duitsland. Ben nog beurs van de moshpit, maar wat was dat mooi. Hoogtepunt was zeker het nummer Cross to Bear van Demon Hunter. Project 86 zie ik volgende week nogmaals in Apeldoorn, samen met Living Sacrifice. Jaja, het is een feest. August Burns Red zag ik in augustus in de Melkweg tijdens hun ’10 Year Messengers’ toer. Dat viel wat tegen omdat ik het nieuwe werk (veel) beter vind. Gelukkig kwam onlangs meer nieuw werk uit: het album Phantom Anthem. Daarop staat erg veel moois, waaronder Hero of the Half Truth, Lifeline, Dangerous en ook, jawel, Coordinates. “Let go of all that you perceive. Everything is not what it seems”.
Let go of all that you perceive
Everything’s not as it seems
Let go of all that you perceive
Everything’s not as it seems
See today for what it is, not what it can give
Make your way. You’re lost within
That’s no way to live
Good we’ve given, bad we’ve committed, but we believe we’re all forgiven
The mark of a man is not where he stands when all is right in the world
It’s what he does when the chilling wind threatens to break down his door
Inhale the bravery. Exhale the worry
His life on the edge, but his soul survives
His sanity stolen, but he’s civil inside
They hold his feet to the fire hoping he’ll be inspired
The rocks at the bottom will know your name
Don’t let shame replace who you’ll be with who you are
Contempt is a weak metal for building anything of wonder
Ask a man on his deathbed what he truly believes
He will say it’s not the trophies or the places he’s seen
The unanswered questions leave the greatest impression
Let go of all that you perceive
Everything is not what it seems
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