Deathbreaker – Eclipse
Tegen al mijn principes in deel ik wederom een nummer van de (nieuwe) band Deathbreaker. In mijn vorige lyric post verwees ik al naar mijn favoriet Eclipse en inmiddels is er een video van én lyrics. Daarmee heb ik mezelf niet kunnen bedwingen en daarom vind je vandaag nogmaals deze herrie. Voor de mensen die er minder van houden, skip door naar 1:00. Talloze keren luisterde ik dit nummer al en ik heb de teksten gearceerd die me keer op keer weer pakken. De uitleg/duiding laat ik even voor wat het is. Maar dit soort nummers, dit is waarom ik na al die jaren nog steeds houd van (‘christelijke’) hardcore en metal(core).
Truth can not be found, using words from liar’s mouths.
Listen all around having ears we hear no sound.
God will not be found by sending you a check right now.
Burn this to the ground build it up to tear it down.
Listen with disdain pockets lined and rising fame.
Look at all you’ve gained looking back you’re not the same.
I’m scared to speak my mind because I’m scare of what I just might find.
Will the darkness of my mouth reflect the darkness of my heart from the inside out.
Will your lies ever become true? Will you love someone other than you?
Will your mouth speak truth or are you too far gone to distinguish between the two?
Having eyes you can not see and you preach as though you are free
but when you’re all poured out there’s nothing left except the traces of a man and what used to be.
These years have seemed like days but your love was out of place
your heart went cold like the hollowness in your eyes and in your soul.
God can I find you apart from those who say they do or are we all lost sheep just wandering off and listening to the few?
God can we be honest I’m really not cut out for this I thought it would be different but it’s not so I’m beginning to resent it.
Fix it ’till it fails riddled wood with rusty nails.
Truth will not be found using words from your own mouth.
Tear this down.
Tear this to the ground, build it up to tear it down.
Fix it ’till it fails.
Een stukje uit de JFH recensie (4/5 sterren):
Some listeners may find the slower, somewhat spoken-word vocal segments in several tracks to be a little dull, but they do offer the opportunity for some nice dynamic contrast. This is especially apparent in the aggressive buildup of “Eclipse.” That being said, there’s wisdom in not trying to do too much, and Deathbreaker seems to get that.
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