Poor Old Lu (tweemaal)
Na het ‘oudje’ van twee weken geleden, gaan we vandaag nog even in die modus door. In de christelijke ‘rock scene’ is Aaron Sprinkle zo ongeveer een legende. Hij zat in meerdere succesvolle bands en produceerde talloze albums voor (vooral) het label Tooth & Nail (en het Solid State Records sublabel). Onlangs sprak hij openhartig over zijn carrière op de Labeled Podcast waarvan de episode passend getiteld is: “The Source of the Sound”. Hij deelde ook voor het eerst over zijn alcoholverslaving. In 2002 bracht hij met z’n band Poor Old Lu het prachtige album The Waiting Room (5/5 sterren) uit. Catchy Revolve over God nodig hebben en tegelijk Hem wegduwen, en Crushed over de soms werkelijk verpletterende impact van God’s woorden.
Video Revolve
It promises much, it promises you’ll never be cold
The words are such as to turn you until you are sold
And walk in this rut and run in the ground where we know
Have the lights gone dim in the light of this sin?
Am I breathing right? Am I breathing right?
I’m pushing this out and pulling You in
I’ve been living in doubt and walking on pins
I’m throwing this out and hoping in (Where joy and peace begin)
I’m sick of the drought and walking on
The current is strong to move me and push me aside
And where I belong is it lost in the move of the tide
And when I am wrong and when I am drowning inside
Has the sea rushed in in the weight of this sin?
Am I breathing right? Am I breathing right?
I’m pushing this out and pulling You in
(Where joy and peace begin)
I’ve been living in doubt and walking on pins
I’m throwing this out and hoping in
(Where joy and peace begin)
I’m sick of the drought and walking on
Pick up your feet and pick up your head
(I’m as tired as I can be)
Lift up your voice and sing till the end
(Lord, I need Your strength in me)
Pick up your feet and pick up your head
(I’m as tired as I can be)
Lift up your voice and sing till the end
(Lord, I need Your strength in me)
I’m pushing this out and pulling You in
(Where joy and peace begin)
I’ve been living in doubt and walking on pins
I’m throwing this out and hoping in
(Where joy and peace begin)
I’m sick of the drought and walking on
Video Crushed
On top of the world
I am proud
In my heaven
A star in the sky
Shine so bright
Like the weather
I am sight and I am sound
They are lost and I am found
The well runs deep inside of me
Though I cannot sleep
I am crushed
And I am broken
With the words and with the truth He has spoken
Feet on the ground
Hand to the plow
I am going
A flash in the crowd
Know my name
I am chosen
I am light and I am loud
If you would don’t make a sound
The door opens wide to me
Though I cannot see, I…
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