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Tweemaal Norma Jean

| Renco Schoemaker |
Norma Jean mocht ik éénmaal live zien. Toen was ik nog geen groot fan. Nu wel.

Zoals je afgelopen week kon lezen bracht Norma Jean in 2016 Polar Similar uit. Nu had ik al in de planning een nummer van Norma Jean te posten. Probleem: of dat lekkere, nummer uit de oude doos, of toch dat nieuwe nummer? Het werd een combinatie. Voor de duidelijkheid: ik behoor níet tot de schare fans die Norma Jean vooral prijst om haar eerdere, chaotische werk. Nee, ik ben aangehaakt vanaf Meridional 2010 (zie discography). Vandaag twee nummers met heerlijk gitaarwerk. Bij het (nieuwere) nummer Reaction zet het in bij “And that makes me a weight” terwijl je bij The People That Surround You On A Regular Basis vanaf het begin al al wat te verduren krijgt. Happy schreddin’!

 Video clip Reaction



You’re acting like
You don’t sympathize
With anything at all
Or anyone for any reason
You’re desperate to fill the space

And that makes me a weight
Pulling you away
I just made a decision
This condition is only what you made
Its calling out your name
I just want a reaction
A reaction
Reaction from you!
(Reaction from you!)

Negatives and positives will drift
Contained on whispered avenues
So run
Get out while you can
Break a lot of glass
Leave the place in shambles

Be careful of what you leave behind
You will walk across companies of friends
And accumulate all the pieces that you lost
You have to know
I sympathize with you

And that makes me a weight
Pulling you away
I just made a decision
This condition is only what you made
Its calling out your name
I just want a reaction
A reaction
Reaction from you!

Breathing down your neck
I just made a decision
This condition is only what you made
Its calling out your name
I just want a reaction
A reaction
Reaction from you!

Reaction from you!

Video clip The People That Surround You On A Regular Basis


This is pain draped in excellence, and there’s no way to bury it
I awake resolute and numb, climbing 15 stories just to fall asleep at the edge
And I’m praying for a sleepless night. And how does this darkness always find me?
This is the time for you to leave in peace or stay and die

We’re crashing down and burning out with every word you say
We’re burning through the atmosphere and we hope…
We hope you never find us… we hope you never find us anywhere

We’re crashing down and burning out with every word you say
We’re burning through the atmosphere and we hope…
We hope you never find us… we hope you never find us

I have nothing left but to let you lay there and die for it
So just give up and write it down
If you’re paying for it, yeah, you might as well wager it

We’re crashing down and burning out with every word you say
We’re burning through the atmosphere and we hope…
We hope you never find us… we hope you never find us anywhere

We’re crashing down and burning out with every word you say
We’re burning through the atmosphere and we hope…
We hope you never find us… we hope you never… No….

We hope you never find us, cover your shallow grave
We hope you never find us, cover your shallow grave. We hope you never…

…anywhere. We’re crashing down and burning out with every word you say
We’re burning through the atmosphere and we…
We hope you never find us… we hope you never find us anywhere

We’re crashing down and burning out with every word you say
We’re burning through the atmosphere and we hope… we hope you never find us…
We hope you never find us anywhere… anywhere… anywhere…
And we hope… we hope you never find us… we hope you never find us

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Meer over Renco Schoemaker

Renco is krap 40 jaar, man en vader van twee. Hij is ouderling in zijn gemeente in Zwolle. Hij mag graag fietsen, hardlopen, tv series kijken en podcasts maken. Luistert tot slot graag naar harde christelijke herrie.