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Levi the Poet – Violence

| Renco Schoemaker |
Op het album Finished People van de band Sleeping Giant neemt Levi the Poet een track voor zijn rekening. Het gaat over hoe ons geloof getest kan worden.

Onlangs blogde ik over het onderwerp zelfmoord aan de hand van het nummer Rearview Memories. Op het album Finished People van de band Sleeping Giant neemt Levi the Poet ook een track voor zijn rekening. De lyrics van dit nummer deel ik graag nog met jullie. Het gaat over hoe ons geloof getest kan worden als iemand die we liefhebben niet langer bij ons is. De volgende keer zal ik een wat meer opbeurend nummer selecteren ;-)


A goblin told me that God was metaphorical.
Well, metaphorically, when I come to the end of myself
he’s got a lot of the same questions as me.
Said he’s drowning beneath an ocean of dogma and liturgy
and the waves keep pulling him further out to sea,
while whatever the water uncovered underneath
washes up, exposed on the beach.

Said, “the father, who knows all secrets, reveals them all eventually.”

There is truth.
It is stuck inside my head,
it confuses everything I do.
Once upon a time I knew that it all belonged to you,
but it all got misconstrued
the day my brother up and abandoned us
for his philosophical musings,
well how amusing,
and why don’t you sing over me?

No really, why don’t you sing over me?
Didn’t you used to sing over me?

Is my brother gone because he never believed, or if he did is he a son that you’ll continue to keep?
And if I see so much of myself in him,
What does that say about your grip on me?

Did you let him go, or did he leave?
Or did he stop seeking salvation with fear and trembling?
Will I see my friends again in eternity?
How deeply can we grieve the spirit before the spirit’s work will cease?

Oh, all my family, I’m afraid,
wind-driven and tossed like the waves of the sea.
I’m not faithless, but I’m faltering,
and I need you to pray for me.

The kingdom suffers, and I’ve not run halfway,
and less than half of my faith remains
but if you can’t deny yourself there’s still just one place that I’ll make my grave.

I hear the savior say,
“Thy strength indeed is small.
Child of weakness watch and pray.
Find in me thine all in all.

I have not abandoned your heart,”

I have not abandoned your heart.

This has been the devil’s winter
Frost bitten and frozen in time
As though the days are but a whisper
But shrill enough to constantly
Remind me:

The past is not forgotten
And my wounds are not yet healed
Yet when the sutures set and seal my heart even then the scars cannot be concealed.

You have revealed yourself in weakness
Clothed yourself in poverty
The Emerald City holds so much of my soul, but its needles always find me wanting

My body groans with the rest of creation
And you intercede for me
Chosen before the earth’s foundations, so we will stand ground expectantly
And I find my hope in the eager anticipation of what going home will bring

The kingdom suffers, and I’ve not run halfway,

and less than half of my faith remains

but if you can’t deny yourself there’s still just one place that I’ll make my grave.

I have not abandoned your heart.

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Meer over Renco Schoemaker

Renco is krap 40 jaar, man en vader van twee. Hij is ouderling in zijn gemeente in Zwolle. Hij mag graag fietsen, hardlopen, tv series kijken en podcasts maken. Luistert tot slot graag naar harde christelijke herrie.