For All Eternity – The Vacated
Een redelijk onbekende band in het genre van de metal(core) met christelijke roots: For All Eternity. Ook ik probeer afscheid te nemen van de term ‘christelijke band’. De van BadChristian alom bekende “christelijke loodgieter” zet immers aan het denken. For All Eternity bracht al in 2009 haar eerst werk uit, maar kreeg pas enige bekendheid na hun debut LP Beyond the Gates. Zelf haakte ik pas aan vanaf het moment dat het goed te pruimen album Metanoia uitkwam in 2015 onder Facedown Records. Nu komt 15 december de opvolger ‘The Will To Rebuild’ uit. Het nummer ‘The Vacated’ is wat mij betreft een uitstekend voorproefje. Er schuilt er veel in ‘Pain is shaping who I am.’, niet? Of je het nu wenst toe te geven of niet..
As the wind blows, hope from sorrow.
This place we used to call our home leaves me cold as stone.The voice of the vacated is still present, in a way it has never left.
I wish the pain away but it holds in my skin.
Old wounds are the words I have left unsaid.
The pain behind these eyes is the kind you don’t forget.You’ve taken everything, more of me that anyone ever has.
Now I’m taking it all back. Taking it back.
We were tethered, you & I.
Tangled up in a lie, intertwined.
We were tethered, held together.
I may seem free but I’m lost behind your eyes.
Pain is shaping who I am.
Time is taking me away from this.
When I arrive, survived & determined.
I can rebuild with the pieces that remain untaken.
I may be broken & hurting in this place you left. Place you left.
But in a flicker, this will be a memory years in the past.
Hold on, hold on. These words will soon be gone.
My heart refuses to restart, it once beat in time with yours.
Our eyes lock & I remember what we’ve lost.
Across this barren plane, staring you in the face.
I’ll say it again as I’ve said it before, these scars are the same as yours.
As the wind blows, hope from sorrow.
This place we used to call our home leaves me cold as stone.
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