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Anberlin – (*Fin)

| Renco Schoemaker |
In 2014 sloten ze het avontuur af met het waardige album Lowborn. Het begon in 2007 met het album Cities. Daarop vind je afsluiter (*Fin). Meeslepend.

Totdat Cities uitkwam, was ik geen fan van de band Anberlin. Ik vond het oké, maar voor mij was het geen band die boven het maaiveld uitstak. Maar toen kwam dus Cities (bijna 10 jaar geleden..), met daarop Adelaide, The Unwinding Cable Car en ook het mooie nummer (*Fin).  Die laatste staat vandaag centraal zodat je zelf kan bepalen of dit nummer de moeite waard is. Net Cities maakte Anberlin trouwens nog een aantal sterke albums: New Surrender (2008), Dark Is The Way, Light Is A Place (2010), Vital (2012) en afsluiter Lowborn (2014). Stuk voor stuk degelijke albums die 4/5 sterren krijgen of meer.

Video clip

Ps. dit was de enige clip die ik kon vinden, het nummer staat verder compleet los van de film The Prestige.


Feels like you’re miles from here,
in other towns with lesser names.
Where the unholy ghost doesn’t tell
Mary or William exactly what they want to hear.
You remember the house on Ridge Road
told you and the Devil to both just leave me alone.
If this is salvation, I can show you the trembling.
You’ll just have to trust me. I’m scared.

I am the patron saint of lost causes.
Aren’t we all to you just near lost causes?
Aren’t we all to you just lost

Tommy, you left behind
something that will mean everything right before you die.
What if you gained the whole world?
You’ve already lost four little souls from your life.
Widows and orphans aren’t hard to find.
They’re home missing daddy who’s saving the abandoned tonight.
Wish your drinking would hurry and kill you.
Sympathy’s better than having to tell you the truth.

That you are the patron saint of lost causes.
All you are to them is now a lost cause.
All you are to them is now, causes.

Billy, don’t you understand?
Timothy stood as long as he could and now
you made his faith disappear.
More like a magician and less like a man of the cloth.
We’re not questioning God.
Just those he chose to carry on His cross.
We’re no better, you’ll see.
Just all of us, the lost causes.

Aren’t we all to you just lost causes?
Are we all to you lost?
Lost causes
So all we are to you,
Is all we are, is all we are
All we are is all we are

Patron Saint, are we all lost like you?


Zanger Stephen Christian zegt zelf over dit nummer:

‘This is one of the most personal songs, I felt like a weight was lifted off when I finished writing it next to the library in Richards Coffee shop in Winter Haven, Florida. The song tells of four overarching stories that effected my faith in Christ growing up. The first is of an unfulfilled ‘prophesy’ that was given to William and Mary in Winter Haven, Florida (they know, I know, & God knows). The second is an autobiographical tale that happened to me on Ridge Road in Stevensville, Michigan. I was 5 years old and I walked down our long driveway and had it out with God and the devil. I remember telling them both to leave me alone, I was confused and wanted neither of them. The third is of a ‘missionary’ who abandoned his wife and children to ‘help’ others, it only ended in hurting everyone around him, he did more damage than he could ever repair in this lifetime. Maybe he has changed, maybe he has stayed the same. The final story is of Billy Burke, a… healer? A… mystic? I am not sure, either way I saw OZ, I watched the curtain pulled back. I was left in a spiral of disbelief. Maybe he has changed, maybe he has stayed the same.

The truth is if you are looking for God in Christians, prepare to be disappointed; the truth is we humans are all hypocrites, ALL OF US. Luckily I found Christ, in spite of these and other stories that propelled me in the opposite direction.’ – bron

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Meer over Renco Schoemaker

Renco is krap 40 jaar, man en vader van twee. Hij is ouderling in zijn gemeente in Zwolle. Hij mag graag fietsen, hardlopen, tv series kijken en podcasts maken. Luistert tot slot graag naar harde christelijke herrie.