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Depths II

| Renco Schoemaker |
Op 11 en 12 december vindt Christmas Rock Night weer plaats in Ennepetal. Silent Planet treedt daar op en van hen is het nummer Depths II.

Al jaren ga ik in december naar Christmas Rock Night in Ennepetal, Duitsland. Voor de liefhebbers van christelijke rock en harder zal dit zeker een bekend tweedaags festival zijn. Eigenlijk ga ik elk jaar één dag/avond (meestal de avond dat Project 86 optrad), maar dit jaar ga ik voor het eerst twee dagen. En ook alleen voor het eerst. Check m’n site voor meer muzikale inspiratie van de line-up, waaronder Silent Planet. Van hen komt onderstaand nummer Depths II.


All the world was a dream I couldn’t shake – in a midnight reverie of which I’ll never wake [i] – that started mundane enough with an incessant tapping on the windowpane separating me from the storm.
Where inside I sat, me the loathsome fool, [ii] with my head cocked sideways in confusion as my looking glass [iii] became a two-way mirror and you can watch me hide from everything on this living sphere. But don’t you dare darken my doorstep, [iv] stranger – never a step more. No, no, Nevermore! [v] You see, I have this reoccurring dream where we snuck past scores of slumbering guards and fixed that rustic iron key to that lock to set you free. “I would bring you liberty!” Where in reality I’m a coward. I’m collateral matter swayed by banalities of time and space. I’m a name without a face. [vi] My trepidation reached threshold and my terror turned to madness – when I awoke I was swinging at shrouded silhouettes and stumbled out the door where my anger was extinguished by this downpour. Compelled, void of volition, my steps propelled through this chronic storm, where there in the clearing – throughout the gaps in the trees – dark smoke flickered from fire illuminating my unease. Like clockwork, seven sisters [vii] turned together in a circle, autonomy abandoned, they moved singular and perpetual around a dark blue flame where I heard you call my name: “I am the fire that is never quenched, and I am the river that will not run dry.”
When I slept in that garden, [viii] Lord did you see me as I was dreaming?
This is the end of everything. We’ll lose our divisions and forget our names: [ix] the precipice of eternity. I caught fire, I caught fire, I caught fire and you’ll watch me burn.

[i] The dark night of the soul
[ii] This song was inspired by a vision of sorts brought on by a brief spell of psychosis. Or maybe I woke into God’s dream.
[iii] 1 Corinthians 13:12
[iv] Revelation 3:20
[v] Poe, The Raven
[vi] C.S. Lewis, Till We Have Faces
[vii] The protagonists of God’s dream
[viii] Matthew 26:36-46
[ix] Revelation 2:17

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Meer over Renco Schoemaker

Renco is krap 40 jaar, man en vader van twee. Hij is ouderling in zijn gemeente in Zwolle. Hij mag graag fietsen, hardlopen, tv series kijken en podcasts maken. Luistert tot slot graag naar harde christelijke herrie.